Our teacher, in is own words

Hey! My name, in the musical universe, is B B Rose. I am a Musician. First and foremost. I have been playing Bass Guitar for about 15 years but also studied music theory to an advanced level. I can also play guitar at an intermediate level. And get a few notes out of a few other instruments.

I have been though a lot of things in my life. But Music has been there with me, for the good and the bad. People come and go but Music stays. Always. I grew up with Dyslexia and it was really bad at times. But I could always count on Music to help me get though the day. When playing or listening to Music, it makes me forget the bullshits that went on, the bullshits of the day and the ones from yesterday. And the ones to come. Music makes me feel happy and at peace. When I am playing or listening to Music, it moves me; it takes me to my good place, my safe place. Music takes me away from life and people. And bullshits.

Music also helped me learn to read and write. I taught myself to read Music before unlocking, by myself again, the puzzle that were the written words for me. Music helped overcome the barrier that dyslexia had put between me and the world.

When I was in high-school, some teachers (you know who they are, if “you have the same t-shirt”) were saying that I wouldn’t make anything of my life. Music helped me prove them wrong. I wrote a generalist Music Theory Book, which will be published later on in time.

It doesn’t matter what you are going though, what people think of you. You should always live your dreams. Mine is MUSIC.

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