A, C and D Minor scales on Bass Guitar

In this video, B. B. Rose is explaining how to play the A natural Minor scale up and down the neck; and how to play the C and D minor scales. You will also find out how to play a scale on one string!

Tab and sheet musics for the A minor

Tab and sheet music for the C minor

Tab and sheet music for the D minor

All natural minor scales have the same finger pattern: 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3


For more information and for one to one classes with B. B. Rose, please get in touch on: ajrkmusic@gmail.com

All classes are dyslexia friendly and start at the very reasonable price of £10/half hour.

Classes are delivered through Zoom, payable through Paypal. For minors meetings will be recorded and provided to parents.

The C Major Scale on Bass Guitar

In this first free online music lesson, B. B. takes us to the C major scale and explain how all Major scales can be played up and down the fretboard using the same finger pattern.

Below you will find the scale chart for the C Major Scale and sheet music for C Major and G Major Scale. As you can see on the sheet music and as explained on the video, the finger pattern is the same.

The C and the G Major Scales are also played an octave higher, this means that you will be playing the scales twice, getting higher in pitch. To rephrase, you will play : C D E F G A B C D E F G A B and back to C, but this C will be higher up the neck/fretboard.

Do you want more explanations? One to One classes? get in touch with us through: ajrkmusic@gmail.com or our contact page.

Classes price start at £10 per half hour and are dyslexia friendly. Concession price can be given on a case by case bases, priority to people with dyslexia.

Myth Busting #1: It cost lot of money to learn Music

Many people think that musical instruments cost a lot, that you cannot play good music on cheap instruments and that music classes are extremely expensive. You will see bellow that this is not the case.

First a few instruments and how much it cost to acquire them second hands on things like Facebook market, Gumtree, EBay or Craigslist (for our American friends)

This was one was bought brand new 15 years ago by a young BB Rose for £80. It suffered a bit aesthetically over the many years of intense use, but still sound awesome, despite the jazz pickup having been removed and a lot of custom modification made by BB;

This Ibanez Bass was bought for second hand for £50 through word to mouth. The price new would be around £250, but it was sold after someone just lost interest. The mark on the left side is due to arm friction, because our teacher uses it daily.
This 3/4 Stratocaster style Rosewood guitar is perfect for a child, for an adult beginner with small hands, or someone who require a very light instrument. It was bought for £40 on the Facebook Market, in perfect condition, with spare strings. The mini 3 Watts AMP (which sounds great, has distortion and a jack to put headphones on) is perfect for a beginner or to mess around at the week-end. It cost about £20 on Amazon new.
This electro-acoustic guitar bought second hand a long time ago could now be found on the Amazon market for about £90. This is a full size guitar suitable for any level.

And if you cannot afford any instruments, please do not give up on music. You can do music on almost anything that has a sound when you hit it. Jazz music, which is at the root of most modern music (if not all), was invented using whatever the poor black American could find lying around at the start of the 20th century. The video bellow is a good example:

Here are a few example of what you can use to make music, tap rhythms,… if you cannot afford an instrument or prefer making your own!


At AJRK Music, we believe that music should be accessible to everyone. This is why our prices start at £10 per half hour, but we also do concessions on a case by case basis, with priority for kids or adults with learning disabilities.

Classes are offered online, through Zoom or the platform of your choice, or face to face if you live in Belfast (Northern Ireland). Fees will be payed through PayPal. Details will be provided to serious enquirers.

Contact us using the form on this site, or at ajrkmusic@gmail.com

Our teacher, in is own words

Hey! My name, in the musical universe, is B B Rose. I am a Musician. First and foremost. I have been playing Bass Guitar for about 15 years but also studied music theory to an advanced level. I can also play guitar at an intermediate level. And get a few notes out of a few other instruments.

I have been though a lot of things in my life. But Music has been there with me, for the good and the bad. People come and go but Music stays. Always. I grew up with Dyslexia and it was really bad at times. But I could always count on Music to help me get though the day. When playing or listening to Music, it makes me forget the bullshits that went on, the bullshits of the day and the ones from yesterday. And the ones to come. Music makes me feel happy and at peace. When I am playing or listening to Music, it moves me; it takes me to my good place, my safe place. Music takes me away from life and people. And bullshits.

Music also helped me learn to read and write. I taught myself to read Music before unlocking, by myself again, the puzzle that were the written words for me. Music helped overcome the barrier that dyslexia had put between me and the world.

When I was in high-school, some teachers (you know who they are, if “you have the same t-shirt”) were saying that I wouldn’t make anything of my life. Music helped me prove them wrong. I wrote a generalist Music Theory Book, which will be published later on in time.

It doesn’t matter what you are going though, what people think of you. You should always live your dreams. Mine is MUSIC.

Our classes and philosophy

Inclusive, dyslexia friendly music classes

Face-to-face (in Belfast, Northern Ireland), or remotely. Nobody is too far. We teach Bass Guitar, Music theory, and the basics of guitar. We can also teach basic rhythm on a table or any household items… Our classes are dyslexia friendly, we adapt our teaching to the student. For yourself or your children, if you explain what the limitations are, we will put in place a training program adapted. No need to read letters to be able to play music. Our teacher has learned to read and write through music, no fear to be judge, he walked in your shoes (see our About section)

Our classes start as low as £10 per half-hour (or equivalent in your currency), payable through PayPal. The classes can be delivered through Zoom, Google Meet or any other platform of your choice. Minors must be accompanied for face to face classes. For remote classes, the meeting will be recorded and provided to the parents. Concessions can be made on a case by case basis. Priority to people with Dyslexia.

Feel free to contact us for more information.

Face to face classes will resume only once the local regulation will allow us to do so.